Launch of the Schoolyard project
The project to revitalize the LFT schoolyard was launched this morning during the café-croissant organized by the Parents' Association.
Why revitalize the schoolyard of the LFT ?
In 2022, the LFT extended its lease at 2327 Dufferin Street to the year 2031. The stability created by this action opens the door into an exciting future for our community. With a clear sense of where we will be in the coming years, the time has come to make investments to enhance the overall learning experience of our students. We have developed a project to massively revitalize our outdoor spaces and are asking for your partnership as we take this bold step forward together for our children.
What is the schoolyard project?
We are creating a green, safe and engaging environment for our students including a schoolyard that stimulates curiosity and imagination, and supports our curriculum.
To learn more about our project, the design and the sponsorship opportunities, please visit our dedicated page. The members of the Schoolyard Committee will be happy to answer any further questions you may have schoolyard@lft.ca